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It has been 4 weeks since my illintentioned DHR worker visited my home and stated " Your kids are ready to come home". At the time I had completed over 500 hours of services required to have my children returned. Along with 40 plus urine drug tests and 3 follicle tests aIl negative. I spoke in a previous post regarding DHR's funding policies and the amount of money received from the government per child in custody. Each state receives different amounts however it can be confirmed if you would like to do your own research, DHR receives thousands of dollars to keep children in their custody. In my case my worker keeps extending my childrens stay in custody to receive these funds. In fact I have had personal conversations with county workers that have confirmed this corruption in the system.

My question is this Why are my kids still in care when you admitted over 4 weeks ago its time for them to come home? Is it because my children's welfare is not the main priority, is it because my beautiful children are merely a cash number on the bottom line of your monthly/yearly budget? This soulless government program violates the rights of children and parents due to the almighty dollar?! You've put a dollar amount on the wellbeing of our youth and it is appalling how you justify your choices.

DHR is not the only corruption, the lawyers representing them and seperately representing the children involved would lose billable hours if these problems were solved properly and expeditiously.

Every weekend my children go back home to a foster situation they do not want to be at and do not need to be at. Is another day, minute and hour this system continues to collect funds to keep families apart.

I ask why? Why is this system not reformed? Is anybody listening? Does anyone care our children are being victimized, why is no one paying attention?

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Updated: Mar 3

Court came and went and from the title its clear my children were not returned. The lawyer for DHR bamboozled me stating my children would be returned within 30 to 45 days. Come to find out I might get them back within 60 days but DHR will maintain custody until the end of April. They dragged this process out even further even though I've now completed over 300 hours of classes and programs. I have zero substances in my body and have had zero substances in my body since my children were taken last April 5th. It made me wonder how much money is being generated by keeping my kids in a system they clearly do not belong in.? (There must be a financial benefit to DHR Ill be doing some investigating regarding that in a future post).Keeping them in longer worked out amazing for my exhusband who has stopped childsupport. The abusive, cheating, childporn watching liar that hides behind a military uniform cancelled my son's support. Mind you I still support my kid, still pay for him to be in the home when he is there,mind you I have them three days a week. The father of my other two children, and current husband, has never paid support either time he abandoned them and me. But nevertheless I sit back and continue to pray to God. I know I am so close to my goal of reuniting my beautiful family. The devil, the system the immoral exes and family members will continue to throw stones to the bitter end. But I hold on to hope because my God is an awesome God, he over comes all. All broken systems, groups, people etc. God's word is final regarding my family that is the hope I cling to. I pray for any readers out there who may find themselves in a similar situation holdfast to your faith. Gods got you!

Stay strong!

Your Warrior

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Sitting here in peaceful reflection of the past 39 years of torture over my life, with a very crucial date approaching involving my beautiful children. I decided to make a true, public honest list of the injustices that I have survived (whether selfimposed or imposed by others) that I can now see today as a strength and a blessing (as my justice). Deep breath here goes!

I am eternally grateful for...

  1. Having a vindictive cold mother figure, who never truly loved me.

  2. Being picked on as a child for being overweight.

  3. My teenage eating disorder.

  4. Being a cutter in my youth.

  5. Being sexually, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, abused in my life.

  6. For struggling with addiction in all of its forms throughout my life (drugs, alcohol, workaholic, etc).

  7. Having the most amazing, loving father and losing him too soon.

  8. Getting to spend the last week of his life with him, but wishing I had stayed just one more day.

  9. Having a sibling that was constantly mean, jealous and spiteful for my entire life.

  10. Falling in love with my first husband and being abused, and cheated on.

  11. Falling in love with my second husband who lied, abandoned, cheated and everything else you can imagine to break our family.

  12. My four beautiful children who sadly struggled through my struggles.

  13. Tearfully leaving my oldest son behind to learn life lessons I couldn't walk him through.

  14. Dhr taking my children from me so I could finally heal from years of trauma and heartbreak.

  15. Being homeless several times because I trusted those I shouldnt have.

  16. Snagging my dream job several times but walking away from it to maintain my sanity.

  17. The countless special moments I have lost throughout my life do to decisions I made and some that were made for me.

I could truly go on and on and into further detail on any of these cuts and bruises, and there will be more shared in my book. I know so many of you may be gasping right now. How can I be grateful for all the hurt? Because it made me, me. It made me strong, compassionate, loving, giving, understanding, empathetic and so aware of all the hurt that surrounds each and everyone of us in different forms. The sooner we start to stare our hurt in the face the sooner we can awaken to who we are meant to be. But not just that, the world, the devil and all the evil that looms above and within all of our heads. That continues to convict us not allowing us to walk in the big bright light God created for all of us to shine. We have to stop clinging to our hurt like its our identity. Let it go and let our God show you what life can be. Our culture wants to over complicate a healing process that is far more simple than you can think. I have decided after nearly 40 years, publicly releasing my hurt, Im gonna let me shine, "let it shine... let it shine, let it shine".

I will SHINE, and so can you!

Your Rising Angel

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